House Speaker Drama: Democrat Reads ‘The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**k’ Book On Floor

House Speaker Drama: Democrat Reads 'The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**k' Book On Floor

As chaos raged at the House Republican conference on Friday as GOP lawmakers rushed to choose a speaker to get enough votes, Rep. Kathy Porter of California sat quietly in the hallway reading a book.

Porter, wearing a book cover, read "The Fine Art of Jumping" in a pointed statement that reflected the sentiment many Democrats have as they watch Republicans try and fail to take the House. I've been talking for four days.

The New York Times best-selling self-help book by Mark Manson argues that people need to stop thinking positively and learn to deal with bad situations to be happy, albeit in much more vulgar terms.

Republicans were in dire straits until a deal was struck between McCarthy and 20 GOP dissidents, who demanded concessions before giving him support. The banned Republican from California was finally elected Speaker of the House on the 15th ballot on Tuesday, beating most opponents, while six anti-McCarthy Republicans "actually" voted to defeat him.

The price he paid was a deal that would fundamentally change the way the House of Representatives works.

© The Subtle Art of Giving Fuck, contributed by the New York Post, argues that people must learn to deal with bad situations in order to be happy. Getty Images:

McCarthy agreed to allow a lawmaker to seek the election of a new speaker, overhauling how the House operated for decades before the practice was abolished under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He agreed to vote in favor of term limits and passed a budget resolution that balances the budget over 10 years and caps fiscal year 2024 spending at fiscal year 2022 levels.

McCarthy agreed to decline any spending negotiations with the Senate until the Senate passes his spending bill. He agreed not to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts or other tax reforms, to create a commission to use the government as a weapon against American citizens, and to ensure that no bills are debated. before at least 72 hours have elapsed.

And he agreed to give three House members three seats on the House Rules Committee, which sets the terms of all bills that go to the House floor.

“Apparently the 15th time is a charm. Americans deserve more than the Republicans' inability to govern and more than the rule changes they are proposing,” Porter tweeted after McCarthy's election victory. "Their agreement to weaken the watchdog, hold extremists accountable and tip the scales in favor of special interests betrays the American people."

The Secrets of Dark Psychology

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