Lightware Introduces LEAD Program To Support Educational Institutions

Lightware Introduces LEAD Program To Support Educational Institutions

Lightware Visual Engineering (Opens in a new tab) recently released their software that provides exclusive benefits to educational institutions. Available worldwide, Lightware Educational Audiovisual Developer (LEAD) is designed to meet the specific needs of schools by providing a robust and consistent campus-wide communications solution.

"Many schools are being impacted by the rising cost of technology and the lack of alternative vendors," said Roger Tukaks, vice president of education for Lightware Visual Engineering. “As a result, they were forced to move away from the technologies they were accustomed to. Lightware recognizes the great advantage of a standardized solution. We are committed to ensuring that educational institutions around the world have access to Lightware technologies. We created the LEAD program to help them achieve campus-wide standards and integration solutions. »

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