Manitowoc – "Transformer".
It is located at 610 N. Eighth St.
The elevator opens on Wednesday. The $1.27 million project was led by the staff and board of the Rahr Museum of Western Art and funded by a federal community development grant with support from the city.
The six-stop elevator, which spans four floors of the Bilas-Rahr building and two floors of the adjacent exhibition gallery, took decades to open, with architectural and financial constraints hampering previous efforts.
An elevator will provide full access to the museum, which spans the four main floors of the Vilas-Rahr mansion, a Queen Anne-style Victorian home built in 1893 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The press release states that the elevator will allow for future renovations to the building to expand visitor access, and plans are also underway to open the 3rd floor of the building to the public.
"The addition of this elevator is nothing short of transformational," Wadney said. "This helps us achieve our goal of giving more people better access to our collection."
Related : Manitowoc's Vilas-Rahr Mansion to get elevator service for the first time
The museum began consulting with Somerville Architects in 2010 to design the elevator, but budget considerations delayed the project for nearly a decade.
It is the culmination of many efforts by the museum and the city to add accessibility features to the building since it opened in 1950 as the Rahr Museum and Civic Center, according to a press release.
The lift's grand opening will coincide with the Lakeshore Holiday Parade, which will begin Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in downtown Manitowoc. Wagons, marching bands, trucks and marchers will travel from South 12th and Washington streets east to South Eighth Street, then north to Park Street.
End of the Rahr-West parade. That night, the museum will open its Christmas exhibit in the mansion and also host a Santa reception from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., followed by a free parade ending at approximately 8:30 p.m. Children will be able to meet Santa Claus, taste sweets and enjoy the beauty of the museum.
The Rahr-West Art Museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission is free and donations are accepted. For more information, visit or call 920-686-3090.
MORE: Everglimes on Eight returns the day before Thanksgiving. What you need to know about the 2022 event.
MORE: Boys & Girls Clubs of Manitowoc County names new executive director
Contact Brandon Reid at 920-686-2984 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @breidHTRNews.
This article originally appeared in the Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter; The Manitowoc Museum of Art opens the Rahr-West elevator at Christmas House
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